
Disclaimer: Retreats Offered by Blue Lotus Wellness, LLC

Welcome to Blue Lotus Wellness, LLC! Our retreats are designed to provide a supportive and therapeutic environment for individuals seeking mental health and wellness services. Please read the following disclaimer before participating in our retreats:

1. Professional Guidance: Our retreats are led by qualified mental health professionals who are dedicated to supporting your well-being. However, it is important to note that our retreats are not a substitute for intensive mental health treatment or therapy.

2. Individual Assessment: Prior to attending our retreats, all participants are required to undergo an individual assessment to determine if the program is suitable for their physical and mental health needs. This assessment helps us ensure that our retreats align with your treatment goals.

3. Confidentiality: We uphold strict confidentiality standards to protect the privacy of our participants. However, please be aware that interactions with other participants and facilitators during the retreats may not be entirely confidential.

4. Participant Responsibility: Participants are responsible for their own well-being during the retreats. It is essential to communicate any concerns, limitations, or medical conditions to the retreat facilitators to receive appropriate support and accommodations.

5. Limited Liability: Blue Lotus Wellness, LLC and its staff are not liable for any personal injury, emotional distress, or adverse effects that may arise during or as a result of participating in our retreats. Participants engage in the programs voluntarily and at their own risk.

6. Emergency Response: In the event of a mental health crisis or emergency during the retreat, our staff will follow established protocols to ensure the safety and well-being of all participants. Please notify a staff member immediately if you or someone else requires urgent assistance.

By participating in our retreats, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agreed to the terms outlined in this disclaimer.